Wednesday, December 17, 2008

~ Live Nativity~

Last week there was a live nativity held in large barn up the street with
actors, animals, hayrides and hot chocolate! It was really fun!

We all liked Moses the camel. After a while he seemed to be getting a little tired of being there. He was making the loudest noises. We recorded it on the camera and when we played it back, it sounded like a kitchen sink disposal. It was so funny!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

~ A New Member of Our Family ~

Say Hello to Lil Maggie!!! So this is the story. I went to Salt Lake this past weekend to go to the Christmas Gift Show at the South Towne Expo Center with my grandma. On the way back to her house, we saw puppies for sale in front of the grocery store and decided to stop and see just for fun.

Just for fun turned into the littlest puppy chasing her tail, sticking her nose in my pant leg and biting the other dogs tails in a clever attempt to make me fall in love thereby securing a comfy home for herself where she could be spoiled rotten for the rest of her days.

It worked!

We brought her back to my grandma's house so I could pack up to go home. Heather brought her in the door in her coat and sat on the couch. Right away Ted (grandma and grandpa's dog) came over to Heather and started sniffing around. He knew something was up. When Heather took the pup out her coat, Ted got excited. His excitement turned into whining and crying. He was soooo Jealous!

Kaitlin likes her new puppy!

Maggie is 25% Pomeranian, 25% Chihuahua and 50% Shi tzu.
She was the smallest puppy and is only expected to be about 7 lbs.

She loves to sleep in her purple cat bed.
We've never actually had a cat. I bought it for the bunny but
he wasn't a fan so Maggie's putting it to good use for us.

It's okay. You can go ahead and laugh!
I didn't know that dogs liked to sleep on their backs
but she was out like a light and apparently comfy.
Anyway, she is fun and playful, chasing anything that moves.
All the girls love her and I think her little mut face is just adorable.
I'm glad to have her.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

~ Four Tag ~

I guess there's nothing like getting tagged to bring you back to your neglected blog. Here you have it! This is the 4th picture in my 4th file. It is Christmas morning 2006 (before my lil ones awoke, of course).

I know it doesn't look like it from the picture but there really are quite a few gifts under that tree. Robert and I really love shopping for the kids for Christmas. We almost never buy toys and things throughout the rest of the year so we really go crazy for this one event. Every year after the presents are opened we comment to each other how we really didn't need to buy so much and how next year we'll scale back. We say that every year!

I tag Erin and Chelsea. Have fun!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

~ Awesome Day at the Aquatic Center ~

We had the funnest day swimming. Jorlee and her cousin Hadden were so cute. When they realized they could finally go down the slide by themselves, we couldn't keep them off of it.

We have our swimming pool at home that Kaitlin has been in but this was her first trip to the public pool. I wish I would have had someone video tape when she first got in the kiddie pool. She was so excited to see all the fun around her all she could do was kick and splash and laugh.

Aubrey and Lindsey and Robert's parents were there also but my camera battery died before I could take any more pictures. Just use your imaginations!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

~ Happy Father's Day !!! ~

Thank you for being my dad. You'vehelping out me a lot ........... Aubrey

Happy Father's Day........... Lindsey

Thank you for helping me with the words on the Sam book. Thank you for helping me do all the good stuff. I like it when you help me when I'm hurt and I love you since you're building a house. Happy Father's Day .............. Jorlee

Da da ............... Kaitlin

Friday, June 6, 2008

~ Caulk -a -thon ~

We've spent days caulking the hardi board. I finally gave Jorlee a caulk gun and let her at it. She's pretty good. Maybe if I would have thought of employing my child a few days ago, we would be all done. I wonder how she is at hardwood installation?

~ Last Day of School ~

Friday, May 30th was the last day of school. To celebrate, we went to Angies with my friend Audrey and her kids and got their "Clean the Sink". It's a massive ice cream sundae with everything you could think of on it. It really comes in a "sink".

Jorlee looked at it with her little wondering eyes and then asked me if it really went down the drain when we were finished.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

~ Siblings ~

This is my brother Robert (18), me (27), and my sister Heather (22). We haven't had a picture together since we were little so this became an instant have-to-have in my family.

Robert will be graduating high school next week and Heather is a CNA. As for myself, I am a mom which means I do everything and I am everything!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

~ Kaitlin ~

Kaitlin turned 6 months old on the 19th. Sooooooo cute!!!

I guess dad figured that since Kaitlin was doing so well with her rice cereal and baby food that it was time to graduate to "the good stuff." He was proud and she was pretty excited herself. Needless to say, shortly after picture time, big bad mom came to the rescue and broke up that party. Man, I'm just no fun!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

~ House In Progress ~

So, this is obviously the back of the house. I had to drive by it anyway but didn't want to pull into the neighborhood so I stopped and took this picture last week. The sheetrock is hung. Most of the windows and doors are in.

It will be really nice when this is all done! In the beginning, people would tell me things like, "building a house is like being miserable and pregnant but when the baby comes you forget about all the trouble and have something wonderful" and "If your marriage can handle building a house, it can handle anything"!

Low and Behold - It's all true! But I guess it doesn't help much that our likes and dislikes are polar opposites. We are having a hard time finalizing on some decisions like exterior colors, flooring and paint colors. I see a game of paper - rock - scissors in our near future.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

~ Baby Animal Days ~

Every year we go to Baby Animal Days with Robert's family. The kids really look forward to it. This year we went on pony rides, saw the farm animals, raced for candy at the candy cannon, went on a mile long treasure hunt, watched sheep shearing, got face paintings, kettle corn and, of course, sunburns :) All in all it was great day!

Aubrey holding a duckling

Lindsey petting a bunny

Jorlee waiting, happily anticipating,
the cannon's fire that marks the "Go"

Saturday, March 29, 2008

HEY THERE!!! Up until just now, I think I might have been the only person left to have never blogged before. Better late than never, right?